Before anything else . . . can I get a big HOWZABOUTIT! for Coe Booth? Her excellent, excellent novel Tyrell just won the Los Angeles Times Book Award in the YA category. Great book, great person. Everyone wins!
I’m sure you remember Coe from the attack on the audience at our group reading in New York in December. No? Read about it here.
This whole book banning thing has pushed aside several things I had lined up to tell you—and don’t worry, I will. Oh, you know me. I can go on and on. Free Monkey has been keeping track of it all. For immediate updates, though, read my news page. I have been adding more signing dates for the upcoming Girl At Sea release. For those of your interested in the details of the publishing process, I have put up a new podcast which features my agent, Daphne Unfeasbile, describing an agent’s job in great detail. (If you aren’t interested in publishing, I don’t recommend this one.) Plus, now that I have a new video camera, I can promise more video blogs. The first is already recorded.
Thanks to the—by this point I think it’s hundreds of you—who have written to express your support. Free Monkey and I have read all of the comments and notes and are trying to respond as quickly as we can. Several of your wrote in from abroad, expressing shock that this sort of thing is going on in the United States. Yes—I am sorry to report that this stuff happens in the United States a lot. So much more than many people realize.
The issue was also covered in the online news show at the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that I happen to adore.
So, let’s get to the update.
First of all, another twist, one that is depressingly familiar. I am told that of all the people in attendance at the meeting that banned Bermudez . . . only the librarian and one parent had read the book. The librarian fought for it. I’m guessing (though I do not know this) that the parent was the same parent who wanted to have it banned.
The other committee members? Nope. They totally pulled a Sandra. They not only pulled the book (bad enough), they pulled it without knowing what was in it. Apparently, they took the word of someone who seems to have massively misread it.

I had to wonder about the person who had reviewed the book.
I’ve written to all of these committee members. In one case, I sent an additional copy of my letter (which was very nice, I assure you) to the secretary of the lead member, requesting that it be printed out and put in her hand.
I haven’t heard a word.
One thing you should know about me, friends . . . I can be tenacious. An explanation is owed, and I’m going to do all I can to get it. Should the e-mail fail . . . I do own one of those fancy telephone apparatuses. That’s the next step.
In case they happen to see this and missed my note, here are the names of the people I am looking for:
As none of you have read the book, I am happy to send you a free copy for review. Hopefully, I will be speaking to your soon!
(By the way, those links will bring up their e-mail addresses, just in case you have anything to add! You guys have so many good things to say, it seems a shame to keep you all to myself.)

I am a delight to speak to, both over e-mail and in person.
On the day this happened, my father came up to New York—and we actually spent the day running around to various consultates in the rain in an attempt to get some visas, and then my father lost his passport in a cab. In the middle of all of this, I was telling him what had happened. My dad is a pretty conservative guy, but even he shook his head.
“There’s nothing you can do about things like that,” he said. “It’s a shame.”
I said he was wrong. There is a LOT you can do. I think people only need to know WHY they should do something, and then how to go about it.
First, know that nothing really impacts me directly in this. I’m fine. I’m sitting up here in New York eating a bowl of soup, watching John Green talk to himself over the top of my computer. I don’t lose any money. The book was purchased. That it’s being locked in a closet or used as the Doorstop of Evil or pulped makes no difference to me financially. Even if I lose a handful of sales in that area, it’s not going to make me or break me. I can still get that inflatable palm tree that Free Monkey has been begging me for for weeks.
The people losing out in this are you guys—readers in high school and middle school. And it’s not because my book is just that good. I’m not so convinced of my own powers of thought that I believe that if you are deprived of the experience of reading one of my books, you will never quite ascend to the levels of intellectual magnitude that you could have otherwise reached.
No. The problem is that book banning and its related activities are amazingly easy, and their effect rots our national brain. Book banning in schools and libraries is particularly insidious because it often happens unchecked. The only reason I know about my book is because Ninja Librarian Susan Hunt got in touch with me and told me. A lot of this stuff happens under the radar.
One thing I didn’t mention in the last post about the “Citizen’s Request for Removal of Instructional Materials” form that got the book pulled is that there was a checkbox near the bottom with three options. They are:
Did you guys see that one in the middle? That’s the one that was checked. I question the sanity of the first, but the second option is just out of control.
More disturbing: it worked in this case. I still don’t know why the board gave in, and I’m still working to find out. Won’t that be an interesting answer?
Now, the “what to do about it” part.
Here’s a not-so-secret secret: a lot of adults don’t make very good decisions themselves. They can be as needy for attention as the neediest person in your class. Several of your pointed out that the Bermudez banning campaign letter sounded like the work of an attention-seeker, and I think you may have a point there. Some people love to be seen doing things, especially if that thing seems “righteous.” When I worked at a school as a college student, it was all I could do not to throw pencils at the pompous and desperately uninformed members of the local school board, when they made their occasional, regal visits. A few of them were good, but a good half of them were horrible, and boy, did they like to hear themselves talk.
But here’s another important secret: a lot of parents and administrators are scared of you. They have no idea what’s going on in your head. Many think you’re kind of dim and you don’t care about anything.
You have more power than you think. If students fought against banning, you would really rattle a lot of people. If you demanded to know what books had been removed from your library (if any), if you demanded their return, if you showed up at a school board meeting, if you spoke to the local press . . .
People would listen to you. Not all the time, and not everyone . . . but I think you’d be surprised. Your rights are exactly the same as everyone else’s. You are born with them. They are yours to exercise.
As more and more people try to get you what you can’t do or read or know, I’m afraid it is down to you to kick back. Here are some ideas on how YOU can take some control:
1. Go to your school or local librarian and ask if any books have been challenged, removed, or deliberately not ordered because of a potential objection. If books have been banned or removed, ask WHO banned them and how to appeal. Start a petition in your school to have them brought back. (A lot of people in your school might not care about books, so if you can somehow convince the non-readers that this is just another way you’re being kept down in general, they may sign.)
2. Ask your English teachers to include at least one of the 100 most frequently challenged books in your curriculum.
3. Go to a school board meeting. I know this sounds boring, but it can be an eye-opening experience. You won’t believe some of the people who are making decisions for school out there. I have watched school board members fall asleep in the middle of public meetings and snore into microphones, or just walk out when confronted. Those are elected positions—and sometimes easy ones to get. You have as much right to be there, or even more right to be there, than anyone. You can confront these people.
4. You have one important tool: the internet. You are far better at using it than they are. It’s like you have magical powers.

Free Monkey says: don't be afraid to insist on your rights.
Have other ideas? Bring them on!
And I promise, next time . . . along with the updates, more shiny things. More monkey. And some dancing.
UPDATE: I see on reading the comments that it must sound like I am suggesting that teengers should be allowed to run the schools, and maybe the world, and that all adults are dumb, or something along those lines. That's not what I'm suggesting. Adults, or monkeys, or adult monkeys should run the schools and make the rules. That's fair enough. What I was saying, obviously inelegantly, is that students can take an active role in certain parts of the process.
You do have the right to ask if books have been removed, and you also have the right to ask for an appeal to bring them back. Trust me, if you show an interest in books, you are going to make some teachers and librarians very happy.
You also have the right to attend public school board meetings and speak when the floor is open. You gain the right to vote at age 18--this can only help you prepare for the process and see who is running in your area.
But I am not so insane as to think that 15 year-olds should be determing what goes on, as excellent as I think all of you are. And I do think you are excellent. I wouldn't be writing YA if I didn't. I would be writing knockoff novels with titles like The DaSquinchy Code.
Now I kind of want to write The DaSquinchy Code.
Also: please see award-winning novelist John Green's sample e-mail. Not that I am suggesting anything.
I’m sure you remember Coe from the attack on the audience at our group reading in New York in December. No? Read about it here.
This whole book banning thing has pushed aside several things I had lined up to tell you—and don’t worry, I will. Oh, you know me. I can go on and on. Free Monkey has been keeping track of it all. For immediate updates, though, read my news page. I have been adding more signing dates for the upcoming Girl At Sea release. For those of your interested in the details of the publishing process, I have put up a new podcast which features my agent, Daphne Unfeasbile, describing an agent’s job in great detail. (If you aren’t interested in publishing, I don’t recommend this one.) Plus, now that I have a new video camera, I can promise more video blogs. The first is already recorded.
Thanks to the—by this point I think it’s hundreds of you—who have written to express your support. Free Monkey and I have read all of the comments and notes and are trying to respond as quickly as we can. Several of your wrote in from abroad, expressing shock that this sort of thing is going on in the United States. Yes—I am sorry to report that this stuff happens in the United States a lot. So much more than many people realize.
The issue was also covered in the online news show at the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that I happen to adore.
So, let’s get to the update.
First of all, another twist, one that is depressingly familiar. I am told that of all the people in attendance at the meeting that banned Bermudez . . . only the librarian and one parent had read the book. The librarian fought for it. I’m guessing (though I do not know this) that the parent was the same parent who wanted to have it banned.
The other committee members? Nope. They totally pulled a Sandra. They not only pulled the book (bad enough), they pulled it without knowing what was in it. Apparently, they took the word of someone who seems to have massively misread it.

I’ve written to all of these committee members. In one case, I sent an additional copy of my letter (which was very nice, I assure you) to the secretary of the lead member, requesting that it be printed out and put in her hand.
I haven’t heard a word.
One thing you should know about me, friends . . . I can be tenacious. An explanation is owed, and I’m going to do all I can to get it. Should the e-mail fail . . . I do own one of those fancy telephone apparatuses. That’s the next step.
In case they happen to see this and missed my note, here are the names of the people I am looking for:
Mrs. Janet Vernon, Executive Director of Secondary Instruction
Dr. Richard Rosenberger, Executive Director of Human Resources
Mr. Chuck McCauley, Principal of Bartlesville High School
As none of you have read the book, I am happy to send you a free copy for review. Hopefully, I will be speaking to your soon!
(By the way, those links will bring up their e-mail addresses, just in case you have anything to add! You guys have so many good things to say, it seems a shame to keep you all to myself.)

On the day this happened, my father came up to New York—and we actually spent the day running around to various consultates in the rain in an attempt to get some visas, and then my father lost his passport in a cab. In the middle of all of this, I was telling him what had happened. My dad is a pretty conservative guy, but even he shook his head.
“There’s nothing you can do about things like that,” he said. “It’s a shame.”
I said he was wrong. There is a LOT you can do. I think people only need to know WHY they should do something, and then how to go about it.
First, know that nothing really impacts me directly in this. I’m fine. I’m sitting up here in New York eating a bowl of soup, watching John Green talk to himself over the top of my computer. I don’t lose any money. The book was purchased. That it’s being locked in a closet or used as the Doorstop of Evil or pulped makes no difference to me financially. Even if I lose a handful of sales in that area, it’s not going to make me or break me. I can still get that inflatable palm tree that Free Monkey has been begging me for for weeks.
The people losing out in this are you guys—readers in high school and middle school. And it’s not because my book is just that good. I’m not so convinced of my own powers of thought that I believe that if you are deprived of the experience of reading one of my books, you will never quite ascend to the levels of intellectual magnitude that you could have otherwise reached.
No. The problem is that book banning and its related activities are amazingly easy, and their effect rots our national brain. Book banning in schools and libraries is particularly insidious because it often happens unchecked. The only reason I know about my book is because Ninja Librarian Susan Hunt got in touch with me and told me. A lot of this stuff happens under the radar.
One thing I didn’t mention in the last post about the “Citizen’s Request for Removal of Instructional Materials” form that got the book pulled is that there was a checkbox near the bottom with three options. They are:
Do not assign it to my child
Withdraw it from all students as well as my child
Send it back to the proper department for reevaluation
Did you guys see that one in the middle? That’s the one that was checked. I question the sanity of the first, but the second option is just out of control.
More disturbing: it worked in this case. I still don’t know why the board gave in, and I’m still working to find out. Won’t that be an interesting answer?
Now, the “what to do about it” part.
Here’s a not-so-secret secret: a lot of adults don’t make very good decisions themselves. They can be as needy for attention as the neediest person in your class. Several of your pointed out that the Bermudez banning campaign letter sounded like the work of an attention-seeker, and I think you may have a point there. Some people love to be seen doing things, especially if that thing seems “righteous.” When I worked at a school as a college student, it was all I could do not to throw pencils at the pompous and desperately uninformed members of the local school board, when they made their occasional, regal visits. A few of them were good, but a good half of them were horrible, and boy, did they like to hear themselves talk.
But here’s another important secret: a lot of parents and administrators are scared of you. They have no idea what’s going on in your head. Many think you’re kind of dim and you don’t care about anything.
You have more power than you think. If students fought against banning, you would really rattle a lot of people. If you demanded to know what books had been removed from your library (if any), if you demanded their return, if you showed up at a school board meeting, if you spoke to the local press . . .
People would listen to you. Not all the time, and not everyone . . . but I think you’d be surprised. Your rights are exactly the same as everyone else’s. You are born with them. They are yours to exercise.
As more and more people try to get you what you can’t do or read or know, I’m afraid it is down to you to kick back. Here are some ideas on how YOU can take some control:
1. Go to your school or local librarian and ask if any books have been challenged, removed, or deliberately not ordered because of a potential objection. If books have been banned or removed, ask WHO banned them and how to appeal. Start a petition in your school to have them brought back. (A lot of people in your school might not care about books, so if you can somehow convince the non-readers that this is just another way you’re being kept down in general, they may sign.)
2. Ask your English teachers to include at least one of the 100 most frequently challenged books in your curriculum.
3. Go to a school board meeting. I know this sounds boring, but it can be an eye-opening experience. You won’t believe some of the people who are making decisions for school out there. I have watched school board members fall asleep in the middle of public meetings and snore into microphones, or just walk out when confronted. Those are elected positions—and sometimes easy ones to get. You have as much right to be there, or even more right to be there, than anyone. You can confront these people.
4. You have one important tool: the internet. You are far better at using it than they are. It’s like you have magical powers.

Have other ideas? Bring them on!
And I promise, next time . . . along with the updates, more shiny things. More monkey. And some dancing.
UPDATE: I see on reading the comments that it must sound like I am suggesting that teengers should be allowed to run the schools, and maybe the world, and that all adults are dumb, or something along those lines. That's not what I'm suggesting. Adults, or monkeys, or adult monkeys should run the schools and make the rules. That's fair enough. What I was saying, obviously inelegantly, is that students can take an active role in certain parts of the process.
You do have the right to ask if books have been removed, and you also have the right to ask for an appeal to bring them back. Trust me, if you show an interest in books, you are going to make some teachers and librarians very happy.
You also have the right to attend public school board meetings and speak when the floor is open. You gain the right to vote at age 18--this can only help you prepare for the process and see who is running in your area.
But I am not so insane as to think that 15 year-olds should be determing what goes on, as excellent as I think all of you are. And I do think you are excellent. I wouldn't be writing YA if I didn't. I would be writing knockoff novels with titles like The DaSquinchy Code.
Now I kind of want to write The DaSquinchy Code.
Also: please see award-winning novelist John Green's sample e-mail. Not that I am suggesting anything.
Labels: book banning, Coe Booth
One great thing about having a book banned is that it suddenly becomes irresistable. I am a YA librarian and the first thing I did after reading your blog was make sure my library owned a copy (yes). And now you have a book that can be put on the banned book display during banned book week (and let me tell you, those books FLY off the shelf). So, yay, congrats on your new status as a controversial author!
Rock on, MJ! I cannot stand it when people try to ban books under the reasoning of "It's not good for my child, therefore I shall parent every other child and take it away." Doesn't that somewhere violate a right?! If we have free speech, we should have free reading--can't exactly have one without the other.
I have one main issue with banning committees: the committees are such pushovers. Rather than consider the students and book, they consider how long the meeting will take if they don't immediately ban the book. And they go in favor of the early 1900s' way of dealing with it: if it was hush-hush then, it should be hush-hush now.
Anyway, I wish you the best in hunting down the committee!
hey maureen..i'm going to send an e-mail to those don't care do you? i'll promise it will be short, unanoyying, and to the point. That's one of the things they teach us in American History is that we have a right to speak and change what we want.
ugh...only in america...okay, that's probably not true, but still. I'll ask my history teacher (he knows everything that goes on at school) whether books at my school have been banned at the request of parents, but I don't think it happens (as much) in the netherlands (the invitation still stand =P ).
and that woman seems a bit strange to me. first she says she can see that there might be some people who are dealing with the problems the book deals with and then she still proceeds to check the middle box instead of the upper one. it just doesn't make sense to me.
I liked your teenagers-have-the same-rights-as-adults-speech! but I still think that's the theory, in reality it never works this way. mainly because the world is run by adults and most of them will never see a teenager as an equal. we're seen as less people, probably because they indeed do not understand us (long live hormones).
I hope you get an answer from those people and good luck with your quest for justice!!
PS: to quote the Crimson Chin from fairly odd parents: "As long as there is one smoldering ember on the barbecue of justice, you can still cook a mighty steak of victory!"
Spectacular. It's absolutely amazing how involved you got in this. Although I cannot say that I follow the lives of other authors as actively as I follow yours, I can say that it seems that you really care. Which is good. It proves that you actually wrote the book. [just kidding...]
And another important point to remember: The Diary of Anne Frank was once a book banned in almost all schools. I know my school had it banned. But just look how good and famous that book is. It can happen to you!
I do intend on asking my librarian about banned books. He's a nice guy, even when he's tracking you down a minute after you have a book due, telling you to return the book IMMEDIATELY or face death by guillotine.
melissa: we have a ton of anne frank books in our school..i should probably read them one day..
tobias: i love fairly odd parents! i didn't know they had that in the netherlands..oh and here in america we get told all these retarded stories about how u, one teenager, can change the world..they get really boring after a while but they are true..
i thrive for a day when teens can sit down with adults and have a conversation about school rules and other things and actually act mature about it
I am a teenager myself, and I actually don't think we should be the ones "running the world". Adults have more experience and their minds are less influenced by hormones and such. Of course, it is true that half the reason why a lot of us act the way we do (rebellious, immature, sulky) is that we are trying to get back at our parents and teachers for controlling us. If we were given a little bit more freedom, most of us probably wouldn't be as troublesome. But still, I think it'd be best to leave the world-running to adults while us teenagers get used to becoming adults.
My middle school banned a book my eighth grade year just because it had the word penis in it. The parent who challenged it didn't even read it. He daughter had brought it home and asked her what it meant. I'm sorry, but if a child [a middle school child who rides the bus frequently at that] has to ask her mother what that means and then the mother freaks out about it, then clearly there is something wrong with the mother. If she would have atleast read the back she would have realized that the story was that of a girl who comes of age and askes a trusted adult questions about the things that are on her mind at the time. One of those topics is sex.
It's so unfair. As a concerned high school student, I have to ask why are they brainwashing us like this. Denying us access to book simply because they find the book uncomfortable to read. I would rather have a concerned and confused teenager find a book that talked about "the s word" and the teen find the answers they need than have the answers denied from them because the adult didn't think they were ready to hear it. What is the average teen going to do when they find out they aren't supposed to do something? Go out and do it of course. And probably end up in a bad position because they weren't allowed to be educated about it in the first place. As soon as the book was banned, the public library ran out of copies and had a waiting list a supposed mile long. In the end, their single-mindedness is their timeless end.
Sorry for the rant. Book banning is a topic I feel strongly about. I wish the best of luck with your endevors.
My hometown RWA chapter is OKRWA. I live in Texas, but was raised in Oklahoma. Per capita, OK is the second state with the most writers, New York is first. (This is info we received from a guest speaker.) I hope the writing community rallies.
Hmmm. I wonder if the school allows the kids to read Fahrenheit 451. I know it was required reading when I was a student.
Well this post made me want to stop book banning at my school.
Except I'm homeschooled, and my parents trust me to make good decisions with what I read (I'm 17 after all!), so I really can't.
Oh, and after reading all the comments, I agree with what Sarah said about the fact that teenagers shouldn't be the ones running things... we should be figuring out HOW to be adults and deciding where we stand on issues, and what we want for our life.
In relpy to these comments, I've added a little update for clarification.
More power to you.
I’ve been a parent on the local school council and I’ve seen my fair share of ratbags. It’s easy to get a hearing from the school council, (as it should be); all you have to do is put up your hand. The problem usually comes down to the quality of the council itself - these are not hotly contested positions.
On our council an informal tag team arrangement gradually evolved between myself and one of my fellow councillors. We would sit back and let the offending ratbag rant for a slightly extended period, just long enough for everyone to get annoyed with them. When the other councillors started sending sideways glances to my tag team mate it was time to move. He would come out of his metaphorical corner and suplex the El-Ratbag with a sane and reasoned comment then sit back. On receiving the tag, I would provide alternative sane by and reasoned view, putting the now dazed El-Ratbag in a chicken wing arm lock. My partner would then come off the top rope and drive an axe handle aerial drop onto the El-Ratbag by noting we now have 3 alternatives, and opening the issue for discussion, allowing the other councillors to come in and beat El-Ratbag from behind with fold up chairs. The discussion then usually settled down to a decision between the 2 sane and reasoned alternatives, leaving El-Ratbag to twitch in the corner, while my partner and I walked around the ring. slapping our flexed biceps.
It’s sometimes risky trying to change things from outside, it might be more effective to find their Hulk Hogan and ring the bell in his ear.
You go, Maureen. As a writer begging to enter the universe of "The Published" I certainly wouldn't want my books to be challenged or banned. The very reason that they're about vampires (which automatically includes blood and a certain level of gore...) could get me in trouble. No one should be silenced. Especially not authors like you. You're an inspiration, Maureen! (yes. You and Free Monkey.) I'm glad that I can say I'm on your side. :-)
Oh, of course I didn't think that was what you were saying--I was just saying what I began thinking about when another commenter said that adults are running the world. And of course I was not disagreeing with that commenter either...I seem to have gotten myself into a pickle. But anyway, please don't think I was arguing with any of you guys. I was just saying that although a lot of parents are very restricting to their children, I'm kind of grateful that I don't have to make all the decisions concerning myself and my family...
You have a lot of people in your corner. Smart people. Literate people. Informed people. It's an intelligent corner. Cinderella WISHES she was in that corner.
John's letter is fantastic.
I didn't mean to say that teenagers should run the world (hell no, most other teenagers I know are more or less idiots). I just would like to see that the people who run the world (aka adults) would be a bit more open and friendly towards teenagers. I don't like being treated as inferior. but I guess that's just a utopia.
as for fairly odd parents; I absolutely love that show!!!! "everything tastes better with rabies" (I'm a cosmo fan)
Seriously thats all i can type. i never would have thought that such a great book could get banned by someone who HASN'T EVEN READ IT!
Plus, i kinda wish that my school would shut up about sex and all that since we revise it twice a year in two different classes. TWO DIFFERENT CLASSES. Yeah, it's pure chance i'm not completely sex-obsessed.
Rock on:D
Hey Maureen - I popped over to your blog from your friend Scott Westerfeld’s blog and was very interested in the hullabaloo going on over Bermudez Triangle! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I’m outraged and stunned at the close mindedness of these people.
All I can say is, Parents, READ what your children are reading and use controversial books to open discussion and (I know, this may be a crazy suggestion) TALK to your children about your family’s morals and beliefs and how the book aligns or departs from them. What a freakin’ concept.
I strongly urge everyone to read, and be aware, of what books are banned and why. The Canadians have the right idea here with the Fahrenheit 451 Challenge where they challenge you to read over 1600 banned books. Check it out
It amuses me that “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” is a banned book considering the movie was a darling of many movie going parents…Guess if they had actually READ (again, a crazy suggestion) the series, they would know it’s not so sweet and innocent after all.
Keep Rockin Maureen. I look forward to reading your stuff.
I wish I taught older students-I want to print out your post and frame it on the wall of my classroom.
The bermudez triangle was the only book of yours I hadn't read yet and it was sitting in my "to read" pile. Your post moved it right to the top.
Thank you for speaking up, and for encouraging the students to take the power that sitting there waiting for them.
As a teacher-I would fall to my knees in gratitude to see students standing up for banned books.
Did you see Meg Cabot picked up the story? AND she's jealous!
You rock!
Well, any time you can make Meg jealous is pretty excellent.
But Em, my almost teen person, is so upset by all of this that she is requesting that the libraries go buy your book, and sending an email.
And she keeps looking at me and saying, "If that book is banned there's no way yours is going to make it."
Which is, unfortunately, true.
Although, I guess, people have to buy it before they ban it.
Whatever. You're right. Acting is a good thing. Thanks for making us act.
You are a rock star.
I hate this. It is so hypocritical. At least it would be for my high school. I guess I am assuming that all high schools are skanky, dirty, and down-right offensive.
And I mean I am a die-hard conservative and I love all of your books. For that reason, too. Cause they are pretty much clean, you know.
So this ticks me off. A lot.
I really hope you can fix it. I pretty sure you can go. You have a large enough crew working on it, dontcha? :D
Love, Shelby
As an adult I think that kids have as much right to participate in how they are treated and what they are exposed to as any one else. Yes their concerns and experiences are different from adults, but they are no more or less likely to make good or bad decisions, they just make them about different things.
This whole thing is not about polar opposites. There is no need to replace adults with children in order to determine who is in power. Can't children and adults (and everyone in between) work together to achieve a mutually beneficial world?
Because as it is children have hardly any rights at all compared to adults. They cannot choose what to do with their time, they cannot choose where to live or even what books they can read. Yes they also don't have a whole bunch of horrible responsibilities and stresses that come with adult life. But they do have similar but different stresses and responsibilities.
For children to have a say over how schools are run seems to me to be perfectly sensible. Not just in terms of their rights but also in terms of getting the people who are being educated interested in education.
(sorry to rant a bit there)
Good luck with trying to get you're very fine constitution (apart from the right to bare arms) to work how it is written. I don't hold out much hope, but I do admire you for respecting your readership enough to ask them to join you in these efforts.
Hey Maureen,
I'm probably going to get myself in trouble with the Razorbill crew for doing this instead of cracking on towards my impending monster deadline(!) But I've been reading about your book-banning experience with horror and admiration. I had to write again and say: Go you!
All best,
Elissa, I think I love you- your comment articulated a lot of my thoughts on this subject.
Maureen, I wrote a letter on your behalf. I'm hoping that since I'm from Oklahoma and have family in Bartlesville, it might hold some sway. It's too long to copy and paste into comments (though I did post it on brotherhood2.0), but you can read it here:
Ninja Librarian Susan Hunt may need some help soon. My sources say that she may be in trouble for disseminating this information. I hope you will be available for protests if she gets fired over this.
I grew up in Skiatook, Oklahoma, a small town just down the road from Bartlesville. I heard about this whole thing from the blog of my friend Jennifer (whose above-posted letter to the board almost convinced me to quit my job and become a full-time book-banning protestor, by the way) and I am appalled at the situation. I spent several summers during high school in Bartlesville at arts and theater camps; they have always prided themselves on being a very arts- and literature- supportive community. That they would think it acceptable to ban a book like this on "religious" grounds is incredible. I plan on e-mailing the board members as well, from the perspective of someone who knows their community well, and knows that this is not the image they want to project for Oklahoma.
Good luck with the fight. This story took me back to the teacher at my school (some number of years ago) who almost lost her job helping me raise a ruckus over a banned book. I came over from Neil Gaiman's blog, and blogged this over at my site. Good luck.
Hi. I'm from Bartlesville, and the sister of the high-school reporter you spoke with on Friday night. I had read The Bermudez Triangle long before it had come under fire in our town. One day my sister got home from school and informed me that someone was attempting to ban a book because of its lesbianism. She asked me if I had read it, as she is aware that I am gay, and I told her I had. After further discussion she assertained the information that there was no explicit sex in it. As you know, my sister Laura is now writing an article for the school paper.
But what I'm not sure you know is how little attention this is getting in local news. To be honest, I haven't heard anything about it from anyone aside from my sister, and she has been asked to keep it quiet. We're expecting, or hoping rather, that once her story is published then it will begin to gain some momentum. But, alas, it seems likely that the momentum will be negative. Our school has been thrice denied a GSA, and we just escaped severe controversy over the production of the Laramie Project. While in New England homophobia might be a disgusting camio in your lives, it's the true antagonist here in the bible belt.
The banning of your book seems unavoidable. However, I believe we all need to put up a fight. Your efforts are the most important, and I beg you not to rule out a visit to our town in the future, to join our small resistance. Please stay in touch with my sister, as the more you are involved the more serious this situation is going to be considered.
Bartlesville, OK
Sorry to hear about the banning. I have posted about it on my writing blog.
Thought experiment: Pranksters demand that local libraries ban the classics of literature on ridiculous charges.
"I demand that you ban that book THE BIBLE -- it contains masturbation (Onan), polygamy and men trying to murder their own children!"
"I caught my child reading that filthy foreigner Shakespeare! ROMEO & JULIET is about two underage teenagers having an affair! I demand you ban that smut now!"
"How dare you have GILGAMESH in our library? It features two grown men sleeping together! I don't care if it's the first written book in history -- I want it banned!"
Don't laugh. It may have happened already.
I am very proud of the committee for standing up for what the majority of the Bartlesville community would choose for their children. If there are parents out there that want their child to read such a book then they can easily get their hands on one. It doesn't need to be made available in a school library. Why do you feel the need to force your way into an institute of education. There are many, many other books that should be read by the students much before your book. Go take your agenda elsewhere. We don't want it here in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.
There are going to be idiots like this that can't except everyone. There is nothing that makes me more hostile than homophobia. I hope you know that this has slightly impacted the world. . .I am totally asking my librarians about banned books. Then I will read those banned books and follow through the steps. Keep up the good work and homophobia will be out there until we can open the minds of everyone else in the world.
thank you nice sharing
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